To submit all documents, you need to register.

Fill and send us the Authors statement.

Submit an abstract by April 05, 2024 (up to 250 words). Abstract Acceptance Notice: April 10, 2024.

Submission of all papers by May 10, 2024 (3000 to 6000 words). Notice of acceptance / rejection of paper: June 10, 2024.

Submission of the final version of the paper by June 15, 2024.

Abstract and Paper Template is available here.

Registration fee for participation in a conference and for publication of the paper. Payment of registration fee until July 15, 2024.:

  • Regular fee payment: June 15, 2024 (for participation at the Conference and publication of the paper): € 50 for paper per author (each co-author pays a fee)
  • For Young researchers – regular fee payment: June 15, 2024 (for participation at the Conference and publication of the paper): € 30 for paper per author (each co-author pays a fee)
  • Late fee payment for participation and publication/paper publication without participation no later than August 15, 2024: € 100 per author (each co-author pays a fee)

Bank information and payment instructions are available here. (information for foreigners)

Bank information and payment instructions are available here. (information for non foreigners)


Additional information:

  • Please send us the evidence from the payment (photo or document from electronic payment) during your registration.
  • The payer bears all bank costs (provisions) relating to payment transactions.
  • For invoice, please contact us a few days before the payment.
  • The fee amount is according to the deadlines in the call.