Marijana Markovikj, PhD

  • Full professor
  • Ss University of Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, Institute for Sociological Political and Juridical Research

Professor PhD Marijana Markovikj
Birth date:26.06.1969
Bachelor in psychology, 1992, M. Sc. in developmental psychology, 2002, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University’s, Faculty of philosophy
PhD in communication, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University’s, Institute for sociological political and juridical research
Gestalt psychotherapist, 2004, Counseling for humanitarian cooperation
Employed at: Ss. Cyril and Methodius University’s, Institute for sociological political and juridical research from 1998 –
List of subjects/second cycle of studies
Political Psychology; Interpersonal communication; Methodology of research in communications;
Psychology of community; Political leadership
List of subjects/third cycle of studies Political behavior
Published papers
-E. Serafimovska, M. Markovik, I. Trajkov“Political crisis, media and emotions”, Annual, ISPJR,2016
-Eleonora SerafimovskaMarijana Markovikj Perception of Personal Characteristic and Importance of the Identity of Students in the Republic of Macedonia: Factors and Consequences, Култура / Culture Vol 6 No 13 (2016)
-Marijana Markovikj, Eleonora Serafimovska Personality dimensions and student’s participatory behavior in student organization, Annual of ISPJR, 2018, year XLII,
special issue
-Marijana Markovikj, Eleonora Serafimovska Comparing Macedonian and Austrian Students’ Perception of Identity Aspects and Collective Identity,Annual of ISPJR 2016, year XL, number 2
-Eleonora Serafimovska, Marijana Markovikj, Moral motivation as predictor for activity in students organization, Annual of ISPJR 2018, year XLII, special issue
-E Serafimovska, M Markovikj, Motive for Social Justice and Students Activism at University Level, European Journal of Social Science Education and Research 5 (3), 172-184
-M Markovikj, E Serafimovska, Personality Dimensions and Importance of the Social Role of the University Student in Explaining Student Involvement in Student Organization, European Journal of Social Science Education and Research 5 (3), 92-106,
-Eleonora Serafimovska, Marijana Markovikj, Media Framing: How Can the Constitutional Name of One Country Be Changed? Central European Journal of Communication, Volume 13 No 1 (25) Spring 2020
– -Marijana Markovikj & Eleonora Serafimovska, Communication Strategies of the Macedonian Opinion Leaders in Online Media before the Voting on Constitutional Changes in Macedonian Parliament. The Central and Eastern European Online Library, Communication Management: Theory and Practice in the 21st Century 28-37
-Magda Marzack et al …Marijana Markovikj, Problematic internet use: Media portrayal across eight countries, Psihologija 2020 Volume 53, Issue 4, Pages: 411-430,
-Markovikj, Serafimovska, Together for mental health in the Republic of Macedonia, Global Insight Newsletter, American association For Applied Psychology, November 2020,
-Author of a paper in a research study conducted by a team at ISPJR:”Media coverage of constitutional changes stemming from the Prespa Agreement”, 2020

-M. Markovikj, E. Serafimovska Manual for promoting mental health of affected children, Skopje: Simboliko, 2017, supported by UNICEF office, Macedonia
-Serafimovska, Markovikj, 2017, Handbook for assistants providing psychosocial support to stakeholders, Skopje: SOS Children village
-M. Markovikj, E. Serafimovska Monograph: Challenges of personality in 21 Century. Case: Republic of Macedonia, Skopje:ISPJR, 2016
-M. Markovikj, E. Serafimovska Chapter 2: Changes in society and changes in book: Macedonia: social, political and economic issues NOVA Science Publisher, 2017
Chamber of psychologists, Macedonia, UNICEF Macedonia, 2017 Strengthening capacities of Field Workers in Transit camps in Macedonia (coordinator).
Chamber of psychologists, Macedonia, UNICEF Macedonia, 2018 Strengthening capacities of stuff in Institutions for fostering and care of children and youth in Macedonia (coordinator).
UNICEF, Slovenia „Capacity building for professionals in area of child protection system strengthening“ (27.11 – 01.12.2017), training workshop for social workers
3.Curriculum development for Joint Degree: MA in European Political Science, Erasmus+
Standardization and cultural adaptation of psychological tests, 2015-
COST European Network for Problematic Usage of the Internet COST Action CA16207
COST Transnational Collaboration on Bullying, Migration and Integration at School Level CA18115
International Situational Project, Prof David Funder , US National Science Foundation, 2016-2018
Personality, Values and Believes, Prof. Brock Bastia University of Melbourne School of Psychological Science, 2018-2020
Global Risk Journalism Hub,, Prof Ingrid Volkmer 2019-
European Social Survey (2021-)
Global psychology Leadership Institute (2021-) coordinated by American Association for applied Psychology (psychology and climate changes)
-Association between aspects of identity orientation and social roles: comparative study of students from EU and non EU countries, International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), 23-25 March 2017, Vienna
-Motive for Social Justice and Students Activism at University Level and Personality Dimensions and Importance of the Social Role of the University Student in Explaining Student Involvement in Student Organization ICSS XVI – Paris, 16th International Conference on Social Sciences
23-24 November 2018
-The role of the Macedonian opinion leaders in online media before the Referendum on changing the constitutional name of the Republic of Macedonia, Communication, Technology and Human Dignity: Disputed Rights, Contested Truth. School of communication ICM, Madrid 11 July 2019
– Communication strategies of the Macedonian opinion leaders in online and social media before the voting on constitutional changes in Macedonian Parliament, 12 th Central and Eastern European Communication and Media Conference, Sofia University “St Kliment Ohridski”19-21 June 2019
-10 PhD Existence 2020 conference, Olomouc, Czech Republic, Key speaker „Challenges of personality in 21 century”
– The character of journalistic articles in a situation of forced change of the constitutional name of the country “Responsible Journalism and Communication in Divided and Conflicted Societies” Tuesday 15 September 2020 to Wednesday 16 September 2020, Coventry University, online
EAGT (European Association for Gestalt Psychotherapy)
EAP (European Association for Psychotherapy, ECP holder)
ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association)
EMDR (European Association of EMDR)
